A Unique Boutique For
Today's Women Warriors
Warrior Resources

We have researched and created a comprehensive list of all warrior resources that we could find.
They are sectioned off by National, State (SC), and Local resources to make your search easier.
Warrior Resources

Susan G. Komen has been helping us help our patients for years. Below is the link to their assistance program application.
Financial - Susan G. Komen

Share Our Suzy (SOS) is a non-profit with a mission of helping cancer patients primarily in the low country regions of SC.
Financial - Share Our Suzy (SOS)

Limited financial assistance for cancer-related costs such as transportation and child care, and our oncology social workers can help you find resources. Co-pay assistance also available.

Financial assistance with non-medical bills.
Financial - Cancer of Many Colors

Vital information on the latest treatments, how to survive mesothelioma, and the best ways to obtain financial assistance.
Financial - Mesothelioma Support

An underlying cause of many types of cancer is a mutation in genes within the body. Gene mutation in many cases can be hereditary. Click the link below to be taken to a seminar on cancer and genetics hosted by one of our non-profit vendors Amoena, Turning Point Breast Cancer Rehabilitation, and Genetic Counselor Emily Goldberg, CGC with JScreen.
JScreen is a non-profit organization out of Emory University that offers low-cost genetic screening and counseling from the comfort of your home. They do both reproductive genetics and cancer genetics with dozens of genes linked to several diseases and disorders. Click the link to the left to be taken to their screening information page. Please use the promotion code provided for you with Alala. If cost is a barrier, JScreen offers financial assistance.
Educational - J Screen Genetic Testing

Be Well Collective is a group out of Charleston, SC with a mission of creating meaningful connections through mindfulness and movement. They offer weekly chair yoga classes for cancer patients and survivors. All upcoming classes are currently virtual.
Emotional - Be Well Collective

Bosom Buddies is a support group with Prisma Health. Their meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month via Zoom. Meetings will resume in August. Contact Breast Nurse Navigator, Susan Whitlock for meeting details.
Emotional - Bosom Buddies

Carolina Breast Friends, aka the Pink House, is an organization out of Charlotte, NC that focuses on empowerment of those surviving breast cancer. They currently host virtual support and wellbeing programs.
Emotional - Carolina Breast Friends

Sharing of Hope Support Group
Women with recurrent or metastatic breast cancer, gather and draw support from this group.
Second Thursday of the month at 5 PM
Call Kelly Jeffcoat at 803-791-2521 for the location.
Emotional - Lexington Medical